Week 24

Memory Verse:  Matthew 24:35

Reading #1:  Psalm 72

Questions:  According to verse 4 who is going to meet a swift end at the hand of the Lord?  In verse 5, what characteristic are people to maintain as long as the sun and moon endure?  In verses 17 and 19,  what attribute of the Lord’s is the Psalmist praying will endure and be forever blessed? 

Reading #2:  Psalm 89:1-37

Questions:  In verse 2, which 2 attributes of God will be built up forever and established in the heavens?  In verses 36 and 37, which offspring of David’s do you think is being described as enduring forever?  Whose throne is going to endure as long as the sun and be established forever, like the moon, “a faithful witness in the skies?”  Which fleeting characteristic of man’s is referenced in verses 47 and 48?

Reading #3:  Psalm 102

Questions:  Which fleeting characteristic of man’s is referenced in verse 3?  According to verses 25 and 26, what will remain even earth and the heavens perish?

Reading #4:  Isaiah 51

Questions:  According to verse 6 how will the plight of people mirror that of the heavens and earth?  In contrast, which characteristics of God will last forever?

Psalms and Hymns:

Psalm 102C:  Of old You earth’s foundation laid; Your mighty hands the heavens made; yet they will die, while You endure. Like garments they will worn out be.”

Psalm 72A: “Till sun and moon no more are known they shall thee fear in ages all.”

Praying Under the Same Sky:

Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa

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